When Should You Get A Soft Reline?

You notice that your dentures are starting to rub against your gums, leaving them sore.

Your denturist has already adjusted your dentures, but it’s still a bit lose and uncomfortable.
When Should
So what are your options?

It’s probably time for a soft reline.

A soft reline involves using soft material that provides a cushioned buffer between your denture and gums tissues. The liner helps to keep your denture in place by restoring its snug fit. It also makes it more comfortable to wear and easier to chew with.

A soft reline is most suitable for people who have:

  • acute sore gum tissues
  • thin gum tissues
  • flat gum tissues

Why your dentures becomes loose

Your dentures can become loose after your teeth are extracted. Following extraction, your jaw bones go through the ‘resorption’ process and lose bone tissues. In fact, your jaw bone structure can decrease up to 40% after wearing dentures, with the biggest changes occurring within 6 months of extraction. The aging process also plays a role in bone loss.

Because a denture is used to replace missing teeth, the denture will eventually become loose – especially if it was worn right after your teeth were extracted. So instead of fully replacing loose dentures, a soft reline can restore your denture’s fit – at least temporarily.

Situations for a soft reline

A soft reline is commonly used in 3 situations:

  • For an immediate denture to allow for proper bone healing after a tooth extraction.
  • After surgery – like the removal of excess bone – to help minimize swelling and pain.
  • Following the placement of an implant, when the reline material is used to stop direct contact between the implant and the base of the denture.

In each of these situations, its fine if the reline material is left longer than 30 days. However, if left for too long, the material can become hard and cause damage to your gum tissues. Thus, soft liners require regular checkups to preserve its fit and elasticity.

How your dentures are relined

Before the reline material is applied to your denture, your soft mouth tissues and the denture’s inner areas have to be clean and dry.

Liners are originally in powder and liquid form, which is then mixed to create the thick paste. It is applied to the insides of the denture and inserted into your mouth while you gently bite on it. To enhance your comfort, you may be asked to bite into cotton rolls for a couple of minutes. You will also be required to move your mouth in various directions to mold the reline material for an optimal fit.

The entire process takes approximately 6 minutes, which is how long it takes for the reline material to set. Any excess material is then removed.

Taking care of relined dentures

When you’re not wearing your relined dentures, you should keep them in water instead of conventional denture cleanser since it can wear away the reline material.

Your dentures should also be rinsed with water after you eat to keep them clean. However, you should not brush the relined areas to prevent erosion.

Improper cleaning methods can ruin the reline material and lead to deterioration, poor fit and damage to your gum tissues.

With appropriate care, a soft reline can provide you with a temporary, comfortable solution for your loose denture problems.