Root Canal vs Extraction – Which is better?

Toothaches can be a real pain, and sometimes a damaged tooth requires a bigger solution. 

You might be facing a decision: root canal or extraction

Both procedures have their pros and cons, and the best choice depends on the specific situation of your tooth. Let’s explore the world of root canals and extractions to help you understand which might be the better option for you.

Understanding: Root Canals vs. Extractions

  • Root Canal: This procedure focuses on saving your tooth. The dentist removes the infected pulp (the inner layer of the tooth that contains nerves and blood vessels) and cleans the canals within the tooth’s roots. They then fill the canals and seal the tooth with a crown to prevent further infection. Check warning signs that you need root canals.
  • Extraction: This procedure involves removing the entire tooth, including the root. Once the tooth is out, the dentist may recommend options like implants or bridges to fill the gap left behind.

When is a Root Canal the Right Choice?

Generally, dentists prefer to save your natural tooth whenever possible. Here’s when a root canal might be the best course of action:

  • The tooth is alive but infected: If you have a deep cavity, a cracked tooth, or gum disease that’s reached the pulp, the tooth might be salvageable through a root canal. Check here for  root canal procedure.
  • The tooth structure is mostly intact: If the tooth isn’t severely broken or damaged, a root canal can restore its functionality.

Benefits of a Root Canal:

  • Saves your natural tooth
  • Preserves jawbone health

When is an Extraction Necessary?

There are situations where a root canal isn’t feasible, and a tooth extraction becomes the best option. Here are some scenarios:

  • Severely damaged or fractured tooth: If the tooth is cracked below the gum line or a large portion is broken, it might not have enough healthy structure remaining to support a root canal and crown.
  • Extensive infection: In some cases, the infection might be too severe for a root canal to be successful.
  • Retreated root canal failure: If a previous root canal treatment hasn’t resolved the infection, an extraction might be necessary.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth: Wisdom teeth that are causing pain or pushing against other teeth often need to be extracted.

Things to Consider Before Making a Decision

Here are some additional factors to keep in mind when discussing your options with your dentist:

  • Your overall health: Certain medical conditions might affect your suitability for either procedure.
  • Pain level: An infected tooth can be quite painful, and an extraction might provide faster pain relief.
  • Cost: Extractions are generally less expensive upfront than root canals. However, factor in the long-term costs of replacing a missing tooth.
  • Recovery time: Both procedures require some recovery time, but root canals might involve slightly more follow-up appointments.

The Final Word: Talk to Your Dentist

Ultimately, the decision between a root canal and an extraction depends on the specific condition of your tooth and your overall oral health.  X-rays and a thorough examination by our dentist will help them to determine the best course of action for you.  Don’t hesitate to ask questions and discuss all your concerns with our dentist (Lotus Dental Group). We can guide you through the process and help you make an informed decision for a healthy smile.

Affordable Dental Care: The Benefits of an In-Office Dental Savings Plan

Many people avoid going to the dentist because they worry about the cost. However, dental care is essential for maintaining good oral health, which is linked to overall health and well-being.

The Lotus Dental Group offers an in-office dental savings plan that is designed to be affordable and accessible for everyone. The plan includes:

  • An annual exam
  • Check-up x-rays
  • Regular cleaning
  • Discounted rates on most treatments

This plan can help you save money on the dental care you need to keep your smile healthy.

In addition to the savings plan, the Lotus Dental Group also offers a variety of other services, including:

  • Cosmetic dentistry
  • Restorative dentistry
  • Dental implants
  • Teeth whitening

If you are looking for affordable dental care, contact the Lotus Dental Group today to learn more about their in-office dental savings plan and schedule a free consultation.

Here are some additional benefits of having an in-office dental savings plan

  • Peace of mind: Knowing that you have a plan in place can help you relax and focus on your oral health.
  • Convenience: You can receive all of your covered services at one location.
  • Budgeting: The plan can help you budget for your dental care expenses.

How to Get Started

  1. Contact Us: Reach out to us at (669) 222-8315 to learn more about our In-Office Dental Plan.
  2. Schedule an Appointment: We look forward to meeting you! Book your appointment at our dental office in Campbell.

Porcelain Veneers in Campbell, California

Are you tired of hiding your smile due to chips, cracks, discoloration, gaps, or worn teeth? At Lotus Dental Group, we understand the impact these dental imperfections can have on your confidence and overall well-being. Fortunately, with porcelain veneers, you can regain a radiant smile and newfound confidence.

What are porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are thin, custom-made shells of porcelain that are bonded to the front surfaces of your teeth.

They are an ideal solution for a variety of cosmetic concerns, including:

  • Chips and cracks: Veneers can effectively cover up minor chips and cracks, giving your teeth a smooth, flawless appearance.
  • Discoloration: Stubborn stains and discoloration that don’t respond to whitening treatments can be masked by veneers.
  • Gaps: Veneers can close small gaps between your teeth, creating a more even and symmetrical smile.
  • Worn teeth: Over time, teeth can become worn down due to grinding, clenching, or other factors. Veneers can restore their size and shape, improving both aesthetics and function.

How can porcelain veneers help you?

Beyond addressing cosmetic concerns, porcelain veneers can also:

  • Boost your self-confidence: A beautiful smile can significantly improve your self-esteem and make you feel more comfortable in social and professional settings.
  • Enhance your oral health: Veneers can protect underlying teeth from further damage and make them easier to clean.
  • Improve your speech and chewing: Properly placed veneers can improve your bite and speech, making it easier to chew and speak clearly.

Considering porcelain veneers in Campbell?

If you’re interested in learning more about how porcelain veneers can transform your smile, look no further than Lotus Dental Group. Our team of experienced dentists is dedicated to providing comprehensive cosmetic dentistry services, including porcelain veneers. We understand that each patient has unique needs and goals, and we will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that achieves your desired results.

Don’t let dental imperfections hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards a brighter, more confident smile with porcelain veneers at Lotus Dental Group. Schedule a consultation with us today and discover how we can transform your smile and your life.

In conclusion, porcelain veneers offer a transformative solution for patients suffering from chips, cracks, discoloration, gaps, and worn teeth. With the expertise of the team at Lotus Dental Group, you can achieve a radiant smile that enhances your confidence and overall well-being. Are you ready to take the first step towards a new smile?

About Root Canal therapy and it’s Treatment

Root canal therapy treats the inside part of the tooth, so it’s known as the endodontic procedure. Our inside part of teeth consists of a pulp chamber and root canals that are full of the dental pulp. Deep decay or fracture can affect the tooth pulp.

If this happens, the pulp becomes infected and inflamed. A pulp infection can spread everywhere in the mouth and you can’t save it without doing a root canal procedure. Through a root canal procedure, the infected pulp is removed from inside the teeth and the teeth are filled.

Myths of root canal therapy

Most of us are scared even hearing the name of the root canal treatment. People have spread rumors regarding root canal therapy. You might have heard about a root canal is painful, invasive, intense and even the worst dental procedure. None of the above is true.

The root canal is performed to prevent something much worse. Nowadays root canal has become straight forward, pain-free and easier than before. Root canal has a fearsome reputation because it’s misunderstood. If you are thinking of getting root canal therapy in Campbell, go for it fearlessly.

How does root canal procedure work?

Given below are the steps that provide a full idea about the working of root canal procedure:

  • At first, your dentist will conduct an x-ray to determine the condition of your teeth.
  • With the help of a local anesthetic, the affected tooth will be numbed.
  • A dental dam or rubber sheet is placed around the teeth to protect the bacteria and other things from getting inside the teeth.
  • With the help of a dental drill, a small opening will be made into the teeth by your dentist. The dentist can now access the pulp chamber through this opening.
  • The pulp is removed with the help of endodontic files and the walls of the root canal are shaped. The root canal is then disinfected and the hollow part of the root canal is filled with a rubber kind of material known as gutta-percha.
  • A crown restoration may also be required after the therapy.

Patients may have a normal discomfort for about 3 to 4 days. If the pain is unbearable and continued for long, immediately visit your dentist.

If you need root canal therapy, visit us at Lotus Dental and get exceptional services for a root canal today. Contact us for booking your appointment.

Root Canal Symptoms – Signs of Needing a Root Canal?

Root canal treatment is a process that helps in saving severely affected and damaged teeth. This is done by saving the infected tooth by repairing your tooth pulp. People have a fear regarding root canal therapy that it will be painful, but actually it helps you to alleviate the pain. Given below are some of the common symptoms that suggests whether you need a root canal or not:

  • One of the most common symptoms that can confirm a root canal is the pain which one has to experience. It ranges from mild discomfort to severe pain and can occur only when you sleep or bite a food particle. This leads to searing pain in the teeth.
  • Few patients may undergo the classic do-or-die symptom for a root canal. The symptom is recurring pain when something hot or cold is consumed. If pain is experienced, then you might need a root canal procedure. 
  • Tooth that is chipped and cracked might also require a root canal and this is inevitable as the nerves are exposed to contamination and might indicate a root canal procedure.
  • Another noticeable symptom for a root canal is tooth discolorations which are caused due to inadequate oral hygiene or nerve damage and this would create a necessity to get a root canal treatment
  • If you have a cavity in your tooth for long and you have been neglecting it, the decay spreads to your roots and your nerves are affected. In such a case, only the root canal can save your teeth. 

Are you looking for a root canal dentist? If yes, visit us at Lotus Dental and get the best services for the root canal procedure. Our team of experts and professionals are very experienced in performing the procedure with great accuracy. Contact us today for booking your appointment with us.

Enhance the beauty of your smile with Orthodontic treatment

Smiling is the quintessence of one’s personality. You achieve an enhanced appearance, increased confidence level, and an aura positiveness revolves around you. However, if your teeth structure is not good and you become conscious, your confidence level lowers down. Orthodontic treatment offers the ideal solution to align the structure of your teeth and offer a confident smile. At Lotus Dental, our orthodontics specialist provides you with the best orthodontics in Campbell. Our team works hard to invent a blissful smile through orthodontic dentistry. Our affordable dental care solutions fit into your needs and offer you a quality smile. 

Before, orthodontic’s scope was limited to only metal braces for rectifying the issues of misaligned teeth. Technology has advanced to that level that other alternatives that are more comfortable and aesthetic than metal braces are available. Traditional metal braces show very effective results, but the discomfort it produces urges people to shift over other alternatives. With metal braces in the mouth, people find it difficult to speak, chew and clean, which lastly results in discoloration of the teeth. 

Invisalign braces are a perfect alternative to metal braces. They are barely visible when you wear them and are removable as well. Another kind of braces are the lingual braces which are almost similar to traditional metal braces, but they are placed on the backside of the teeth, which makes them completely invisible. They are made up of fragile brackets. They neither compromise on your comfort nor appearance. 

Ceramic braces are another invention that matches the color of your tooth and is comfortable. They are placed on the front part of the teeth to offer a beautiful smile. They help correct the structure of your teeth in 12 to 18 months.

10 Surprising Myths About Orthodontic Treatment

You must have heard a lot of myths and rumors about braces. Before getting orthodontic treatment, you must have all the correct information about it. Here are 10 myths about orthodontic treatment:

Any professional providing orthodontic treatment is an orthodontist

Not everyone can be called an orthodontist except the ones who have completed additional advanced training needed to become an orthodontist.

Cost of braces are more than they should be

Braces cost will appear to you like a significant investment of your time and money. They offer lifelong advantages that not only improve your appearance but also bring back your lost confidence.

Straightening teeth takes years

Orthodontic treatment needs close monitoring to find out whether your teeth are responding correctly to the treatment plan or not. The timeframe for each patient depends on their case. If only minor changes are required for your teeth, the treatment will take only a  few months.

The only appearance is changed with braces

Apart from improved appearance, braces have many benefits like better oral health, properly aligned jaw as well as daily benefits like ease in eating, chewing, biting or speaking. 

Metal braces are the best option for straightening teeth

Those days are gone when the only option available was metal braces for straightening teeth. Now you can choose the braces that suit your lifestyle and comfort and offer you a healthy smile. 

Mail order orthodontic treatment offers safe teeth straightening

If your orthodontist doesn’t see your mouth and gums regularly and monitor them, then mail-order orthodontic treatment can be highly risky as well as costly.

Straightening teeth can be done at home by yourself

An orthodontist is a warning for people not to go for DIY techniques for straightening teeth as they can lead to further irreparable damage.

Only teenagers and children can straighten their teeth

Orthodontics is seen common among children and teenagers, but a healthy smile can be attained at any age.

Braces are easily breakable

Braces are bonded to your teeth, making them durable and capable of withstanding your entire treatment.

Treatment results last for a lifetime

Once you take out your braces, they will start moving to their natural position. Shift prevention can be done.

If you are looking for orthodontics and orthopedics in Campbell, visit us at Lotus Dental Group and get exceptional services for a healthy smile. 

Dental Implants: Pros and cons

Unnecessary teeth gaps can be the reason for a person’s shy smile. These gaps may be as a result of an accident or disease. Tooth Implants work effectively in such cases. They have proven to fix the teeth gaps by placing an artificial tooth as a replacement. This replacement tooth looks exactly like an original one. It functions in the same way too but is made of titanium.

Dental implants have proven to be an effective long-term solution to dental problems caused by damaged, broken or lost teeth. The entire process might take a long time, depending on the situation of the patient. Firstly the base is laid on the jawbone of the person where the tooth would be placed. After it fixes in the jawbone, the implant or the artificial tooth is placed in it. 

Dental Implants is a cosmetic procedure that has a high success rate and is popular among people. However, it has its own set of pros and cons. Here, we discuss these points for you to decide the best. 

What are the pros?

  • The implants are self-sufficient when it comes to seeking support from neighboring teeth. These won’t be affected by the damage of the nearby tooth. 
  • They function like normal teeth and poses no difficulty to the person in chewing or talking. It also looks the same. 
  • People reportedly have better dental health after getting an implant.

What are the cons?

  • It requires your maintenance. After the implant, you would be required to take care of it by regularly brushing and flossing your teeth. 
  • For smokers, the success rate might not be satisfactory.
  • Since it involves the surgical process, people might have side effects in the form of infections. However, this happens rarely.
  • Implants are time-taking procedures. It takes up to six months for the procedure to be complete as it involves multiple steps.
  • Not suitable for people with osteoporosis or other health complication.
  • The procedure can be costly.

Overall, it is a safe and effective long term investment. Implants can help replace misplaced teeth and the lost confidence of the person. 

Dental Health benefits of Orthodontic treatment

Dental Implants

Orthodontic treatment helps to achieve a healthy dentition and an amazing smile which has motivated a lot of adults to get more treatments for improving their dental aesthetics. Do we know about all the benefits orthodontic treatment offers us? There is a list of benefits that are beyond a smile. Let’s know some of them.

  • Orthodontics helps in improving your teeth position, functioning and aesthetics if dental pieces. This benefit is clearly visible.
  • Your bones and gums appear healthier. It helps in correcting occlusion and positioning of teeth.
  • The condition of your mouth is improved and also increase dental hygiene. It provides correct alignment to your teeth that provide oral health and appropriate cleaning of your entire dental cavity improves the condition of your mouth.
  • It helps in relieving excess pressure on the jaw joint. Orthodontics correct your bites and malocclusion.
  • Your digestion is also improved. Due to malocclusion, you are not able to chew the food properly which leads to difficulty in swallowing and digestion. Once the issue is corrected, digestion is improved. 
  • As general oral health is improved the risk of periodontal diseases, infections, tooth decay.
  • Some of the patients who have severe bite problems have issues pronouncing words. After undergoing orthodontic treatment, these issues in speech are corrected and improved.
  • Through orthodontic treatment, dental trauma risks can also be reduced. 
  • A patient who has overcrowding or other oral issues loses his or her self esteem. Through orthodontic treatment, you get a new smile and regain your self-confidence.
  • In short, your quality of life is improved through the above-given benefits.

If you require orthodontic treatment for your dental health, visit us at Lotus Dental and improve the quality of your oral health through our exceptional treatments. 

Manifold Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

Tooth Decay & Root Canal

You can get sleepless nights due to toothaches and as facts, the aching tooth will lead to an unbeatable life. It instigates headaches, paralyzing pain inside the mouth and makes eating very difficult and unimaginable. The reason is mainly tooth decay which leads to infected pulp and makes living uncomfortable. Through root canal treatment, you can easily get over this pain. 

What do you mean by Root Canal Therapy?

A root canal is an endodontic treatment that follows a sequence and focuses on the pulp cavity of the tooth. It helps in eliminating the infection or inflammation in the pulp and thus protects the teeth.

The treatment involves removing the infected or inflamed pulp and the inside part of the tooth is cleaned. It follows disinfection to prevent any further damage. Finally, a material is used to fill up and seal the rubber tube. Lastly, the tooth is restored with a crown or fillings. 

Benefits of root canal therapy

There are numerous benefits attached to root canal treatment. Some of them are given below:

Virtual painless procedure

Through the root canal, you experience less pain and often you are left with less discomfort during recovery, unlike the tooth extraction process. Fortunately, we have modern techniques and effective anesthesia that patients who have got root canal have described it like six times less painful than getting an extraction.

Efficient and cost-effective

This treatment takes less time than tooth extraction as well as it is budget-friendly. Many of the insurances cover endodontic treatments too.

Visually appealing outcome

Through root canal treatment, you get crowns which not only appears like a natural tooth but also give you a feeling of the natural tooth.

If you are looking for the right root canal dentist, visit us at Lotus Dental Group and get the best treatments done. Contact us today and improve your smile with root canal treatment.